

"Any time I have anything new to share with you, I'll post it on this page for your convenience. I'll try to delete the old and out-dated stuff to make things less chaotic." 

1/30/09-   Visit the blog, I want more comments! :)  I don't know where I am, I'm sort of lost in my story right now, bear with me please.
Aaaah, 2009!!! Can you believe it?!  That means my goal---to have 'Elixir' spit-shined by June 1st '09---is almost here and I don't know if I can make it! I need your help! Also, I just re-cleaned out the 'News' page, so it just be running more smoothly now, I know there were some loading errors before.  So that's good. And lastly---drum roll, please---I have a BLOG! You may have noticed, as it is located next to the 'Playlist' page.  It's more about your voices on the web than mine, so whatever you have to say to anyone (me or otherwise) can be said publicly through the commenting feature of the 'Blog' page. Thanks, and make sure to add a comment soon. I love you all!
12/29/08-  Yay! The "Playlist" page is up and running, go check it out!
12/28/08-  Wow!  It's been a while! Firstly, I've gotten a few emails about Chapter 14 (which is untitled again, any ideas?) but there was an editing/revising problem with this chapter, so it will be another few days before it gets sent. Be patient, relax, breathe. Other news: Exciting! The musical inspiration I've been talking about for, like, ever is FINISHED!  I've just got to figure out where I want it, but look for that today/tomorrow. Thanks! Happy New Year!
12/14/08-   Two announcements today, guys. I've got Chapter 14 (It's entitled 'Defervescence' for now, like a fever breaking, but I'm not sure how permanent that name is) but I'm polishing it up before I send any portions of it out. Also, sometime this week I'm going to be posting a musical inspiration page for all of the songs that have helped me write certain parts of the novel. I'll update that as soon as I can.
11/27/08-  Happy Turkey Day! I know that I'm stuffed! If you haven't got some sort of an email from me, I'd go check the "About" page, there's a sort of sad announcement that I just posted. To all of you who are still going to be receiving my chapters, I really beg of you---DON'T EXPLOIT THIS! The rules are even stricter than before, no copying or distributing my chapters, please.  Also, Chapter 10 (One of Us) was the last to make its rounds, so I hope  you enjoyed it. I'm still putting News updates on the web, and other fun things and excerpts, so don't stop checking in and emailing. I'm really sorry about this guys, I feel so sad that I don't get to hear your comments and opinions anymore.  I wish there was some way to keep the story safe and send it to my friends all at once!